Is Soundgoodizer Good For Mastering? (We Checked)

If you’re a music producer and dabbled in some FL Studio plugins and VSTs, you’ve probably heard about Soundgoodizer. It’s a tool that promises to make your tracks sound better instantly.

But is it really suitable for mastering your music?

In this article, we’ll delve deep into Soundgoodizer, its pros and cons, and explore some alternatives.

Let’s get started.

Should I Put Soundgoodizer On The Master Channel?

Understanding Soundgoodizer

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s understand what Soundgoodizer is. It’s a plugin developed by Image-Line, designed for FL Studio

This plugin aims to enhance the sound of your track with just a few clicks. 

It applies a combination of dynamic compression, harmonic enhancement, and saturation to your audio.

Using Soundgoodizer on the Master Channel

Soundgoodizer is often used on individual tracks within a project, but placing it on the master channel can be risky. 

Is Soundgoodizer Good For Mastering

The plugin applies processing globally, affecting the entire mix. 

While it may make your tracks louder and more exciting, it can also introduce artifacts and alter your mix in unintended ways.

Individual tracksBoost volume and character of individual sounds without muddying the whole mix
GroupsGlue together related tracks like drums or synths without distorting the master
SubmixesAdd sparkle to bounced stem files before sending to master channel

The Verdict – Using Soundgoodizer On The Master Channel

In most cases, it’s best to avoid using Soundgoodizer on the master channel. Instead, use it sparingly on individual tracks where you want to add some extra punch or character.

What Is Soundgoodizer Good For?

Enhancing Individual Elements

Soundgoodizer can work wonders when used on individual elements of your mix. 

For example, applying it to a vocal track or a lead synth can make those elements stand out and sound more polished.

Quick Fixes

One of the perks of Soundgoodizer is its simplicity. If you’re looking for a quick fix to enhance a particular sound, it can be a handy tool. 

However, always use it with caution and adjust the settings to taste.

Adding Warmth

Soundgoodizer can add warmth and character to digital instruments that may sound too sterile. 

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It can help you achieve that analog-like feel in your music.

Also Check: How To Remake Songs In FL Studio: The Complete Guide

Pros And Cons Of Soundgoodizer For Mixing And Mastering:

Easy to useCan make audio sound too processed
VersatileCan be expensive
Can improve the sound of many different types of audioNot a magic bullet
Can be used to create a variety of effectsCan be difficult to get the desired results

What Is A Good Alternative To Soundgoodizer?

Maximus Multiband Maximizer

If you’re searching for a more versatile alternative to Soundgoodizer, consider Maximus. This multiband maximizer offers precise control over the dynamics of your mix, allowing you to achieve a polished sound without sacrificing flexibility.

Maximus divides your audio into three customizable frequency bands – low, mid, and high.

This lets you apply different maximizing and compression settings to each part of the spectrum, giving you granular control over the overall balance and punch of your mix.

The interface provides an array of intuitive controls, including input gain, threshold, ratio, attack, release, and makeup gain for each band. You can also adjust the crossover frequencies to fine-tune the band splits.

This allows you to really hone in on problem areas in your mix and tame them effectively.

Beyond just maximizing, Maximus offers sophisticated multiband compression capabilities. The compression settings can be tailored to smooth out uneven levels, add density and sustain, or pump up the transients as needed.

The seamless interaction between the maximizing and compression functions makes it easy to achieve a tight, cohesive sound.

Izotope Ozone

While Izotope Ozone is a renowned mastering suite, Maximus offers a compelling alternative for dynamic control.

Like Ozone, Maximus provides a comprehensive set of tools for enhancing your tracks, but with a more focused, multiband approach.

Where Ozone covers a broader range of mastering processors, Maximus excels at the critical task of maximizing your mix.

Its intuitive controls, seamless broadband/multiband modes, and real-time analysis make it an indispensable tool for achieving a polished, professional sound. F

or engineers seeking precise, surgical command over dynamics, Maximus stands out as a formidable contender to Ozone’s mastering prowess.

FabFilter Pro-MB

FabFilter Pro-MB is an exceptional multiband dynamics processor that offers unparalleled precision and control over the dynamics of your mix.

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The plugin’s advanced sidechain functionality, linear-phase crossover filters, and flexible routing options make it a versatile tool for mixing, mastering, and sound design applications.

Whether you’re a seasoned audio engineer or a budding producer, FabFilter Pro-MB is a must-have addition to your audio toolkit, delivering exceptional results and uncompromising sound quality.

Related: How To Not Hear Yourself In FL Studio When Recording

What Are Some Tips For Mixing And Mastering Music In FL Studio?

Organize Your Mixer Channels

Keep your mixer channels neat and organized. Use color coding and clear labeling to easily identify tracks and effects. This will streamline your workflow and make mixing more efficient.

Use High-Quality Samples

Your final mix and master can only sound as good as the source material. Invest in high-quality samples, virtual instruments, and recording equipment to ensure the best possible sound.

Embrace Automation

Automation is your best friend when it comes to achieving dynamic and engaging mixes.

Experiment with volume, panning, and effects automation to breathe life into your music.

Reference Other Tracks

Always have reference tracks on hand. A/B comparing your mix to professionally mastered tracks can help you identify areas that need improvement.

Trust Your Ears

While technical knowledge is essential, trust your ears above all else. Don’t be afraid to make creative decisions that deviate from the norms if they enhance the emotional impact of your music.

In Closing – Is Soundgoodizer Good For Mastering?

Soundgoodizer can be a useful tool in your music production arsenal, but it’s not ideal for mastering on the master channel. Instead, use it to enhance individual elements or for quick fixes. 

If you’re looking for alternatives, consider Maximus Multiband Maximizer, Izotope Ozone, or FabFilter Pro-MB. 

Remember to follow the tips for mixing and mastering in FL Studio to achieve the best results.


1. Can Soundgoodizer replace professional mastering?

Soundgoodizer is not a replacement for professional mastering. It can enhance individual tracks, but for a polished and balanced final product, consider professional mastering services.

2. Is Soundgoodizer free?

Soundgoodizer is not free. It’s a paid plugin for FL Studio.

3. How can I avoid artifacts when using Soundgoodizer?

To avoid artifacts, use Soundgoodizer sparingly and carefully adjust its settings. Listen critically to the changes it makes to your mix.

4. What’s the best order for mastering effects in FL Studio?

The typical order for mastering effects in FL Studio is EQ, compression, stereo imaging, and limiting. However, this order can vary depending on the specific needs of your mix.

5. Should I use Soundgoodizer on every track in my mix?

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It’s generally not recommended to use Soundgoodizer on every track in your mix. Use it selectively on tracks that need enhancement to avoid over-processing and artifacts.